Skilled Nursing
Our dedicated nurses provides direct care, management and evaluation of patients' care with specially-trained nurses in pain and symptom management; provides education to patients and their families regarding disease progression and use of medications
Hospice Aide
We have hospice aides on hand to provide personal care services that promote patient comfort and dignity, and family confidence, comfort and satisfaction.
Spiritual Support
We offer spiritual understanding, support and counseling by non-denominational minister, chaplain, clergy or other spiritual leader so that patients may find the comfort, meaning and hope they seek; can assist with specific religious needs and memorial services.
Medical Social Services
Our socilal workers connects patients and families to necessary resources and support in the community; provides psychotherapy, supportive counseling and grief counseling; helps patients expand and strengthen their network of social support.
Respite Care
California Mission Hospice offers intermittent or regularly scheduled temporary non-medical care and/or supervision provided in the patient’s home to assist or relieve family members from the constantly demanding responsibility of providing care and safety for their loved one.
Bereavement Program
Our Team provides a before and after death counseling program that extends to a whole year after loss, conducted by qualified grief and loss counseling professionals who offer emotional, psychosocial, and spiritual support, and services to assist with issues related to grief, loss and adjustment
Volunteer Services
Our caring volunteers offer support for all non-medical needs of patients and their families by caring, trained members of the community, such as providing companionship and socialization, running errands, reading to patients and assisting with family needs.
Medication and Medical Equipment
All medications related to the hospice diagnosis, both prescription and non-prescription including supplies, are provided for by our agency. We also provide for medical equipment such as hospital beds and wheelchairs when needed.
Continuous care
We provide direct nursing care to achieve palliation or management of acute medical symptoms for at least eight hours per day during a crisis.
Physician Medical Director
Our physician medical director oversees all critical procedures in hospice and provide vital direction and insight to staff regarding appropriate medical intervention. The in-house Physician Medical Director works closely with the Hospice team and patients' primary care physician to determine the most suitable plan of care for each patient based on the patient's needs.